Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Unique Things of Water from Article

In this article the people who did this assignment believe that almost all surfaces have a coating of water on them. This would probably explain some of the reasons why water is cohesion on the surface on something. Cohesion is like water sticking together and the molecules in it being attracted together making a little droplets of water into one big one. All water is in constant flux. Moving around and making it hard to take measurements and understand water and its properties. Most is on how we can understand how water works on the surface of many different things. They came across on how to trap water by accident while studying the unique water. The reason why water didn't stay together and still is because the hydrogen bonds suck up all of the negative charges and the water comes together. Its just like a tree the reason why a tree gets water is because cohesion is going on making the water stick to the side of the tree and the hydrogen bonds are going away. The water moves up little by little giving the tree water and nutrients in order to grow and that is why our bodies are mostly filled with water because it is so unique and makes everything come to life in our body with its unique ability. That is why scientists found it so difficult to get it to stop moving in order to take tests on it.

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